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Deadpool Game Dated for Summer

Deadpool game

The intriguing-looking Deadpool game heading our way from High Moon Studios may have had a release date sitting under all our noses for over a week — Deadpool-loving site Deadpool Bugle pointed out that an ad published in some comics last week for the game had a ‘Summer 2013’ date plastered on the front of it.

Previously only knowing that the game was due this year, this is a slightly out-of-the-ordinary way of discovering the game’s release date. If it’s genuine and accurate, at least it’s a good sign that the game is shaping up well and nearing completion, meaning we’ll all get to break that fourth wall that little bit sooner.

Source: Deadpool Bugle

About Ryan Brown

Commonly going by the alias 'Toadsanime' online, Ryan Brown acts as Coin Arcade's editor and primary writer. With an avid interest in various aspects of gaming -- including general gaming, indie gaming, retro gaming and merchandise collecting -- he aspires to build a career in the video game journalism industry. He also writes his own descriptions as if talking about somebody else, apparently.

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