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10 New GTA V Screenshots

GTA 5 screensProbably following public fan woes of the lack of Grand Theft Auto V updates, Rockstar have released five new screenshots, sharing various cool shots of Los Santos — including skydiving, scuba diving, a storm and two others.

It’s great to keep seeing screens of the upcoming game, but what we’re really all dying for is gameplay footage, I’m sure. We’ll keep you posted on all Grand Theft Auto V updates.

Source: Rockstar Games

About Ryan Brown

Commonly going by the alias 'Toadsanime' online, Ryan Brown acts as Coin Arcade's editor and primary writer. With an avid interest in various aspects of gaming -- including general gaming, indie gaming, retro gaming and merchandise collecting -- he aspires to build a career in the video game journalism industry. He also writes his own descriptions as if talking about somebody else, apparently.

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