Nintendo Orders a Luigi’s Mansion Poltergust 5000 Replica

To market the release of recent 3DS title Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, Nintendo hired gaming event and production group iam8bit to create a replica of the Poltergust 5000 – the game’s famous ghost-sucking vacuum cleaner.

Releasing a ‘making of’ video on Nintendo’s official Youtube page, the replica is seen in all of its glorious creation process — but what I really want to see is good shots of the completed model. More ideally, I’d like someone telling me that a limited amount will go on sale because I have a horrific ghost problem and — no, no you’re right, I just want one.

Source: Destructoid

About Ryan Brown

Commonly going by the alias 'Toadsanime' online, Ryan Brown acts as Coin Arcade's editor and primary writer. With an avid interest in various aspects of gaming -- including general gaming, indie gaming, retro gaming and merchandise collecting -- he aspires to build a career in the video game journalism industry. He also writes his own descriptions as if talking about somebody else, apparently.

3 comments on “Nintendo Orders a Luigi’s Mansion Poltergust 5000 Replica

  1. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyyyyy want one. Can I get a list of materials and instructions on how to make an exact replica?

  2. deer santa….

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